Stocks to sell

Ask five analysts their perspective on a stock like Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) or Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA), and you’ll likely find five different answers. Look to the massive gap between Cathie Wood’s $2,600 Tesla price target and Pr Lekander’s $14 per-share pricing prediction for evidence of the wide disparity among analysts, even among popular and well-liked stocks. Analysts
It turns out running a profitable streaming video service is not as easy as Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) makes it look.  The industry leader reported first-quarter revenue of $9.4 billion, generating net profits of $2.3 billion. Operating margins of 28% are golden. These are numbers the competition can only dream of. Instead, the landscape is becoming littered
As the artificial intelligence (AI) sector continues to captivate the market’s imagination, many AI stocks have seen their valuations skyrocket. However, certain AI companies have not demonstrated the operational strength or financial stability to justify their lofty market prices. With potential overvaluation coupled with operational inefficiencies, some AI stocks are poised for a correction. Investors,
I’ve got a surprising fact for you: New technologies are often astonishingly S… L… O… W… to take off. In 1950, there were only 25 million registered vehicles in America, or one for every six people. Though Henry Ford had introduced the Model T more than four decades earlier, many families still saw no reason
Amid market uncertainty, many investors may be looking to diversify away from some of the top market winners. Instead, they want to start looking at more defensive names. Some of the biggest tech stocks have continued to rally and drive the market to new all-time highs. But, we’re already seeing signs cracks are forming among
In the stock market, knowing when and what stocks to sell is as critical as identifying when and what to buy. Once hopeful contenders in automobile manufacturing, passenger ground transportation and electrical components industries, these companies now face daunting financial hurdles that could spell trouble. Understanding why these stocks are ripe for divestment requires a